Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Jennifer Connelly ♥

Here's a drawing of Jennifer Connelly from Labyrinth.

As far as I can tell, she hasn't aged a day since making this movie, and is still, by far, in my humble opinion, one of the world's most beautiful actresses.

What can I say, I'm a fanboy.

Tim Burton's White Stripes

Not exactly to style, but clsoe enough I think.

Random Life Drawings

Here are a few of my drawings from Life Drawing. Nothing fancy, but I felt like I should post up a few, if only to showcase the fact that we have Life Drawing.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Snooki: Drawing Jam #2

So here's the situation...

Well, technically it's not... but I digress.

For one of our drawing jams we had to draw a cast member from Jersey Shore. I chose not to go with the style this time around (The Gorillaz) and simply opted to have some fun with Photoshop instead. I had been meaning to mess around with Photoshop for a while now, since I've never really "painted" with it.

The results turned out pretty good for a first time - If I do say so myself. :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Tom Green Meets Scott Pilgrim: Drawing Jam #1

One of the things we're doing for college are these "Drawing Jams". Essentially, we take a real life reference and turn it into a drawing in a pre-selected stlye. The first of these required us to draw Tom Green in the style of Scott Pilgrim (the comic).

I have to say I was quite pleased that this was our first Drawing Jam theme, since I've been a fan of Scott Pilgrim and Bryan Lee O'Malley's since 2008.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A New Beginning: Test Post!

This week I begin the chapter in my life as an animation student at NBCC - Miramichi. To commemorate the occasion (and because it's required by one of my classes) I've started this new blog. I'll be showcasing all sorts of work here, so feel free to drop by and critique a piece or two! :)

Here is a little doodle of myself I made a while ago. It's a self-portrait in the style of Naruto. I recently got into Naruto, and I have to admit, I'm pretty hooked. ^^;;

Who woulda thunk?