Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Jennifer Connelly ♥

Here's a drawing of Jennifer Connelly from Labyrinth.

As far as I can tell, she hasn't aged a day since making this movie, and is still, by far, in my humble opinion, one of the world's most beautiful actresses.

What can I say, I'm a fanboy.

Tim Burton's White Stripes

Not exactly to style, but clsoe enough I think.

Random Life Drawings

Here are a few of my drawings from Life Drawing. Nothing fancy, but I felt like I should post up a few, if only to showcase the fact that we have Life Drawing.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Snooki: Drawing Jam #2

So here's the situation...

Well, technically it's not... but I digress.

For one of our drawing jams we had to draw a cast member from Jersey Shore. I chose not to go with the style this time around (The Gorillaz) and simply opted to have some fun with Photoshop instead. I had been meaning to mess around with Photoshop for a while now, since I've never really "painted" with it.

The results turned out pretty good for a first time - If I do say so myself. :)